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Mondelez International, Inc.

1000 m²
Nida Kule Kuzey Ataşehir | İstanbul

In the Mondelez Turkey Offices, it was possible and even encouraged to localize the international Mondelez Design guideline since Mondelez had acquired Kent, the very well-known Turkish candy/gum brand. In the international design guideline, Mondelez suggested spaces with all corporate colors, which we interpreted as space per color due to the fact that the firm was going through some organizational changes adapting to clean-desk working areas. Therefore, it was our proposition to create mono-chromatic areas to provide daily options and make change of pace possible for the employees.
Since the new offices would be smaller in square meterage, it had to offer other advantages. That is one reason a lot of break-out and “breathing” spaces were designed throughout the office. Flexible spaces are designed for functions such as working/casual meetings and unwinding.
Not only material selection or overall design was designated in the weekly meetings but also the allocation was formed according to the client’s working scenarios. The Mondelez Team was highly included in this design process. Their satisfaction was key. For instance, the collaboration area right next to the reception is designed to step out of the office without actually stepping out.
Mondelez no longer required closed offices. It was important for the global offices to suggest contemporary working terms by reducing the feel of hierarchy. As JUA we tired to replace this hierarchy with a feeling of community by introducing transformable spaces for the new employee to engage in their work in a more initiative manner. Once the office is released from the formalities of traditional hierarchy, a true office community might emerge.
For the new Mondelez Turkey Offices, keywords such as “colorful”, “light”, “fun”, “green” come to mind. However the word “equalization” is a concept that was essentially expected for in this new office which was hopefully met.